Thread: T-3
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Old 11-14-2016, 10:14 AM
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Originally Posted by new-Jedi View Post
Anyone here use t-3. I've made no secret that I struggle with body fat, and that's the case when I bulk. I'm about to bulk using test e and some tren. I want to add some t-3. I don't know how to use it though.

I can get 60ml of 200mcg I believe for $40 bucks. Not even sure that's a good price.

I want to shed what's left of my body fat and my metabolism is poop. I have to drop my caloric intake too low to keep muscle to see any real fat loss. So screw it, I decided to mess with my thyroid hormones.

You all never done me wrong, so of course I come to you.

I haven't been on in awhile--after school I had to get a job, etc. But things have settled enough for me to blast off.
sorry to say you cannot do both yes T3 will help with keeping bodyfat to minimum while bulking but if your losing fat then you are not bulking
adding size -surplus food
losing fat - deficient food

ive had some experience with T3 and have taken while cutting and I believe its bloody brilliant but drugs don't work magic you have to put work in
so you can either same them for cut or take with bulk but don't expect to lose fat just help keep it lower while on bulk

carbs can be something to drop in cut but in bulk feel they are very much needed
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