Thread: Female NPP log
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Old 11-08-2016, 11:49 PM
Oxyjen Oxyjen is offline
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Originally Posted by andyebs View Post
how are you getting on now and how have you found it

how long did you run or plan to run

did you keep same dose 25mg E3D

Still going strong! The total duration will be 12 weeks so I will be going till mid December.
I have gained some great mass so far and my strength is amazing! Even guys at my gym watch when I do squats and deads now.
Few sides... my voice is a bit scratchy. I have my boyfriend paying attention to make sure it doesn't get too out of hand. If I have a lot to say it cracks sometimes. Right now I am not too concerned with it. Slight enlargement of the lady parts but also nothing extreme. It's no worse than when I ran anavar.
Very Little water retention which is great. I was expecting a bit more actually. My appetite is amazing. I'm putting down close to 4K cal a day.
My over all personality has gone from some what quiet/shy to a bit sarcastic, but not bitchy at all. Just more outgoing if you will. I like that part too.
I'm still pinning 25mg e3d and since I'm doing so well with that dose I don't plan to bump it up.
So far I have nothing but positive things to say about NPP. It has given me that little bump I needed to make some good gains all around.

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