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Old 10-29-2016, 11:38 AM
Jagger_8888 Jagger_8888 is offline
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Default Kalpatropin review

Dear fellas,
Here is my review after doing a blood work for HGH serum level and IGf1 levels on kalpatropin.
The GH serum levels came at 31.1 ng/ml
The Igf1 levels came at 525 ng/ml

I switched from Pfizer Genotropin (Also purchased from GBN) to Kalpatropin due to limited budget. At first I was hesitant and skeptical but Tom convinced me to give it a shot and I decided to pull bloods on it. the previous signs (on genotropin) continued like faster hair and nails growth, deeper sound sleep and some kind of lethargy or an urge to take a nap during the day. I split the injections in two doses: early in the morning and post workout. By doing so I notice more rapid belly fat reduction. I have to be honest here. I'm kind a lazy on my diet these days and buffets, junk food here and there. Thanks to quality HGH and increased cardio on a fasted state, I haven't packed on any fat. The sense of well being is awesome. I will stick to Kalaptropin for a long while and will do bloods again after a month or so.
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