Thread: Female NPP log
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Old 10-10-2016, 03:13 PM
Oxyjen Oxyjen is offline
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Entering week 3.
I am up 5.5 lbs. All of my lifts have gone up in weight. I definitely feel stronger in the gym and have more focus than ever.
It seems that even though I still get sore after some training it doesn't last very long, a day or two at most.
I don't feel overly hungry throughout the day but as soon as I start eating I feel like I can not get full. I am still eating a little over 3K cal a day.
I am retaining just a small amount of water. The only reason I even notice is because I get a mark on my ankle from my socks that lingers for awhile after I take them off. It is very minimal.
Overall I just feel awesome. I am not tired during the day like I have been in the past. I am not really experiencing any of the "typical" sides as of yet. My skin is just a tiny bit more oily than usual but I am washing it often, with hopes to keep any acne at bay. Usually I break out post cycle rather than during.
I will have some blood work done in a few weeks just to compare to my pre cycle blood results and make sure everything looks ok.
That is about all I have to report right now as of now I LOVE NPP.
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