Wow that seems like a high dose for a female! I've read 50mg a week or 25mg e3d. With the half life being around 2.5-3 days I wanted to do the e3d.
I didn't get the compound from a sponsor on this forum but I like this forum best so this is where I want my log. I won't be mentioning the supplier.
I'm pretty excited as this is my first injectable cycle. I was nervous as a mofo to do my first pin but once I did it I was like wtf was I even afraid of lol. Painless and easy.
As of now I feel like the sides I am expecting are acne, because I get that with every darn cycle and sometimes worse when I come off. Possible voice change but nothing severe. Those are the two negatives I am prepared to deal with. Everything else I don't really see as a negative so I'm not concerned.
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