a little long in the tooth
is probably the best way I could describe my board presence. I found my first real message board back in late 99 early 2000 and have been hooked on them ever since.. What a great way to share and learn from like minded guys and gals. One of my biggest beliefs is to give back what was so unselfishly given to me.. Knowledge. So in order to keep the boards growing, we need to give back, be productive members and help where ever and whenever we can.
For those who know me..Good to see you again brother!!
For those who Don't.. I welcome the opportunity make your acquaintance and for the possibility for a new friendship
Two questions that always seem to pop up..
basskiller stands for the fish, not the guitar..LOL
yes I am the one that owns basskilleronline
Just call me bass for short
Thanks to Iwant2grow for the gracious invite