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Old 05-20-2016, 02:50 AM
Oxyjen Oxyjen is offline
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Day 19 and feeling great! 20 lb deadlift PR putting me at 185 for reps. I just recently started doing deadlifts again after a few months off from them.
I am super vascular and now I have veins in my quads for the 1st time. Yay! Feeling stronger on everything and my boyfriend said he can tell I'm getting thicker each time he sees me. 😊
So far the sides are minimal. I have had one pimple on my shoulder. The night sweats are pretty intense. I wake up soaked sometimes and sweat a lot more while training. That's really about it though. Oh, actually the pumps..... I feel like I have a pump in my biceps 24/7 and when I actually train them OMG....after one set I feel like they are about to explode. My last cycle my rear delts would get that way. I guess each cycle is different.

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