Female Oxandroxyl cycle
So this will be my second anavar cycle but it is a bit different this time. My first was used for competition prep. This time I am using it for a bulk.
My stats:
BF: 14%
Training: 6 days no cardio.
2 leg/glute days
1 Chest/shoulders
1 Back/biceps
1 Shoulders/triceps
1 full body (whatever doesn't hurt I train)
Diet: 2226 calories
P: 132
C: 258
F: 74
Mostly a clean diet: chicken, rice, veggies, oats, eggs and egg whites, almonds, etc. my weakness is Beverly International: Ultimate Muscle Protein. seriously the best powder I have ever had
Cycle: 10mg anavar
5mg in the morning
5mg at night.
I am currently 4 days in.
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