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Old 02-15-2016, 10:20 PM
swollensteve swollensteve is offline
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Default gbnstore, Kalpa pharmaceuticals 10/10

This is a review for gbnstore so grab the popcorn because its gonna be a long one. First off ive used other sources all local and it had always turned out to be a sketchy situation. I decided to use gbnstore because i was referred by my cousin who swore its legitimacy, I was up for it after geeting bunk gear from my last source. When it comes to hugetom and gbn's customer service all I can say is flawless. Hugetom is on top of his game and I can honestly swear Gbnstore will be my go-to supplier for a long time!!! What i bought was all from Kalpa pharmaceuticals, "I decide I would go with pharmacy grade this time after the bad rap from ugls." I purchased test prop, tren ace, aromaxyl-AI, and clomid for pct. Im currently finishing up the pct and the cycle itself could not have gone any better. At first i was going to compete but decided not too since i felt i was going to be to small for comp, soon to find out that was a mistake. Strength was shooting up crazy and gains were flooding in!!! I felt fucking insane because of the tren but i loved it because every training session was amazing dat never ending aggression is something ill crave in future cycles. weight was at 192 around 16% bf pre cycle, post cycle and currently 201 11% bf. Pretty sweet transformation also didnt diet that hard since i wasn't competing but i could only imagine what i would look like at single digit bf. the hardness and vascularity is fucking insane. ordering my next cycle soon and i cant wait to start. Thanks huge tom for all the help you have a loyal customer here!
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