My fav is Tarragon Chicken.
One large chicken breast per person, or two depending how much protein you want to get in. Whatever veg you want, I use carrot, red, yellow, orange peppers, onion, garlic, broccolli, green beans, etc. You will also need Dijon Mustard, english is too strong, two table spoons of extra virgin olive oil, double/heavy cream, this can be substitued for very low fat natural yoghurt if you're watching fat intake.
Slice chicken into strips and fry for a couple of minutes in the oil, try not to move it around too much so it browns well. Remove chicken from pan when sealed and keep it somewhere warm, add onion, garlic and carrot and fry for a further couple of minutes. Now you can either add a small glass of white wine or water, the alcohol will cook out so no worries there. This is simply to lift all the chicken pieces stuck to the bottom of the pan, good flavour trust me. Add one or two teaspoon of Dijon mustard to the liquid and let it reduce until most of it has gone. Return chicken to the pan and add whatever veg you want, you can steam or cook veg seperately if you want as its about timing here and you don't want veg to turn to mush. I basically stir fry it until the veg is warmed through but not everyone likes the extra crunch. When you are happy that your veg is to your liking add half a pint of double/heavy cream or the same in low fat natural yoghurt. Heat that through about 30 secs to a minute should do. Tarragon, if fresh, add at the last minute about a tablespoons worth, if its dried add it after you add the chicken for the second time, but I suggest going for fresh. Serve with pasta, baked sweet potatoes or whatever else you fancy it goes well with just about anything. If you go for fresh Tarragon you can seperate what is left from the twigs and put leaves into freezer bags and they'll keep well for ages in the freezer, u can just add it straight from the freezer, no need to defrost.
I hope this is of use to someone.........