pork options
now pork isn't something I eat daily like chicken or beef but do eat maybe twice a week
sunday misses done slow cooked joint of pork and pulled it was lush
but then started speaking to friend and he said
anyone who is serious about health and fitness wouldn't eat any pork at all ever
now would love to see what other peoples views are on this
now I know fat is higher and also cholesterol is much higher too but protein is fine
so would anybody not eat pork
or do you cut how much you eat ]
would you say twice week too much
I think most thing I love about my misses is im not eating same thing day in day out breakfast and stuff don't change but I know my lunch and dinner will be something decent and different
also sunday morning without bacon I mean come on why even bother living
(no offence to those who don't eat pork on other grounds)