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Old 02-02-2016, 06:36 AM
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Default Ok, this will be a little long.

Originally Posted by andyebs View Post
ive been on GHPH-6 for couple days now and not sure if is that so quick but hunger kicked up so good luck there should have opted for 2

also how many days do you lift do you do cardio at all
whats your maint now then in cals and macros

you know you could start first week and not drop any cals and do cardio 30 mins twice week
I am fan fasted morning cardio this alone will help speed up Metabolism
Ok, I'll try to answer all these.

I chose Ghrp-6 because that's what GNB told me too for cut.

Ok, oddly enough. I was eating way too much on my last cycle. I put on a lot of muscle, but a lot of fat too. When I knocked it down to 3200, I just seemed to gain muscle and strength. My bulk, and pct, and since has been 40/40/20

I'll, drop carbs and up protein and fats for the cut. My diet is great, rice, black beans, veggies, nuts, chicken mostly, some lean beef, eggs and egg whites. Nothing else. Every day same meals since I first started my first cycle.

After cycle I took that down to 2700. I was 194 when I did that. After a month, I was 190.

I knocked it down to 2500, and have stayed at 190 for two months, approximately. But my strength still goes up, but I'm not losing now am I gaining weight.

So I think my maintance is 2500 (keep in mind, I think I have slow metabolismm. My thyroid isn't the best. I used to have hyperthyroidism, they knocked it into hypo. Since then, I create fat easy.

3 weeks ago, still off cycle, I cut down to 2400 to see what happened. Nothing. Stayed same weight, slow strength increases.

So I have a metabolism that seems to run slow.

Last time I cut, I was much smaller, but I knocked by calories down really low, and ate clean, but I didn't lose all my body fat. I lost muscle.

My plan

Go down 200 at a time until I drop fat. Even if it takes me too 1500.

My training.

On and off dycle I do 20 minutes of cardio a day. I've tried before and after my workout.

I train 4-5 days a week. Same basic outline one of you gave me except I sub exercises to keep my muscles guessing.

I do cycles of heavy low rep, to lighter, high rep.

For my cut I'll be doing higher reps, lower weight, 45 second rest times.

On the last exercise for each muscle group, I'll do cardio, jog in place, in between sets to keep my heart going.

"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.

Jedi in Training
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