still nothing drastic to note, but the past 4 nights in a row i have had vivid dreams, when before for months i cannot remember one dream i had.
still no night sweats, or insomnia. I do seem to be getting hot flashes. mostly just happens and work, so not sure if i just get hot from work or from the tren.
today was upper body.
i decided to change my rep range from 3-5 to 2-4. i just feel after 3-4th rep, especially on bench, my form breaks down, my back starts to slide on the bench and my shoulders come untucked.
bench- 325 4x2 (all went up nice and easy, could've hit a solid 3 on every set, but i didnt have a spotter and didnt want to risk misgrooving and killing myself.
seated row- 5x8-10
calf raise- 5x8-10
OHP- 4x8-10
cable flys- 4x8-10
BB shrugs- 225 4x6-8
dips- 2x8-10
rope pushdowns- 3x8-12
ab wheel- 4x8-10