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Old 01-25-2016, 08:16 PM
Armstrong Armstrong is offline
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Default "Free Testoserone" blood test

when you go to get a blood test for "free testosterone" this is only testing your natural testosterone correct? so if your taking TRT shots it wont pick up on the "synthetic" test that your injecting just what your body is putting out naturally is this correct? or is there no way to do this and a free testosterone test just tests your levels with the TRT injects
People say to me its possible to be too big.....but for me I dont want a physique thats average something thats reachable, I want something thats unobtainable that looks like its so hard to get, yes women hate it, BUT I FUCKIN LOVE IT....SO FUCK IT!! why do I want this??? CAUSE NORMAL FUCKIN SUCKS!!!

Last edited by Armstrong; 01-26-2016 at 03:12 PM.
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