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Old 01-24-2016, 11:59 PM
stillgoingstron stillgoingstron is offline
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I pinned 200mg tren E a few times in the last three weeks with around the same of test E and my blood pressure has gone through the roof! Haven't pinned anything at all for a week and won't be going do until its back to haha normal.

I'm giving blood in 4 days so that should lower my hemacrit/RBC levels. Apart from that I've knocked sugary carbs on the head, been eating loads of beetroot, taken fish oil, 3000mg magnesium and potassium daily and loads if vitamin C. I'll be eating 4ozs celery daily as of tomorrow.

My blood pressure has reduced from an average 144/93 to around 136/90. Still not normal for me yet tho. It was averaging 132/83 a month or so ago. The problem with doing everything at once is that I don't what, if anything is lowering it or whether it's just the tren leaving my system and to he honest I can't be totally sure it's the tren that's caused it. It's just too much of a coincidence to presume it's not.

I appreciate you won't want to lower carbs just now. So I'd start with 3g of potassium and magnesium daily and up your fish oil and see if that helps. It won't be an instant result though.

I've also bought a load of coQ10 and will taking 100mg ED for at least 3 months. This is supposed to more or less guarantee to lower it.

I'll start a proper thread on blood pressure soon and post my experience. I'm quite anal at researching and then recording what happens.

Good luck and as far as I'm concerned neither of us is close to being too worried yet. My immediate concern is passing a medical for my job, so I need to get it down fairly quick. After that I can chill out and look for longer term solutions.
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