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Old 01-15-2016, 04:54 PM
Yolked Yolked is offline
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first day back since tuesday. I Had a nice couple days off. much needed.
That time off gave me a chance to think, and i am switching up routines. I got to thinking that sheiko probably isnt the best routine to run while on a tren cycle. On sheiko you are doing a lot of submaximal weight and rarely go above 80%. You never really get to push your maxes and hit higher weight. sheiko is all about neural efficiency and frequency.
I am going back to just a simple linear program, so i can try to progress every single workout.
Im going on my routine i created years ago and the program i always give out to beginners or anyone looking for a good training program.
Obviously mine is going to be a little different, as i am going to cater it to my needs. It is an upper/lower split, which i love. My main focus is to increase my bench, deadlift, and squat with some assistance exercises to eliminate imbalances and strengthen my core lifts.

Today went as follows
bench- 295 3x4 (one more set with a slingshot and got 6 reps)
pulldown- 5x8-12
cable flys- 4x10
seated OHP- 4x10
standing calf raise- 4x8-10
shrugs- 185 3x8-10 (slow eccentric, held for a two count at top)
tricep pushdown- 4x8-10
ab wheel
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