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Old 01-12-2016, 05:03 PM
Yolked Yolked is offline
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well im feeling much closer to 100% after the accident. Didnt have time to post yesterdays workout, but it went as follows

bench- 280 3x3 / 300 3x2
squat- 400 4x3 (i was suppose to do 5 sets but i started feeling it in my head and didnt feel like passing out or something worse, so i stopped there.)

after that i did upper body accessories. pulldowns, cable flys, overhead press, reverse flys, and dips.

I just got back from the gym now. This was one of the best workouts ive had since i started the cycle. weight felt good. joints felt good, etc.

4" deficit deadlift- 345 4x2 (this weight was real easy. I did an amrap on my last set and got a clean 5)
bench- 245- 2x3 / 280 3x2
deadlift- 405 5x3 ( all reps went up nice and smooth)
after that i did leg accessories. Leg press, leg curl, leg extension
then lateral raises, calf raises and some DB curls.

I still haven't really noticed much of anything. I haven't had ANY sides, which i'm not complaining about, but its also got me worried.
No insomnia, no tren cough, no acne, no aggression, nothing. Just some sore quads from pinning everyday.

If anyone in here has run tren, when did you start noticing anything? ive read anywhere from people noticing results after 4-5 days all the way to not noticing anything till the 4th week. I know everyone's body is different. I would like to hear some input.
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