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Old 12-18-2015, 10:04 AM
stillgoingstron stillgoingstron is offline
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Aromasin kills estrogen stone dead. Never to return. I take one a day for a week or so at the start of pct to prevent to much of an imbalance of test and estrogen and then taper down slowly and Introducing nolva which just blocks the estrogen from the wrong place but letting it do good stuff in the right place. I then reintroduce some aromasin to prevent any estrogen rebound due to the nolva not actually destroying it. I wouldn't like to give exact amounts because it really depends on your cycle and how your recovery is progressing, but something like 1 x aromasin ED for a week or two, then 1 x nolva ED for 2 or 3 weeks crossing over with the aromasin at the start and then a week or so if aromasin at the end at maybe 1 EOD and then E3D and so on. Bear in mind aromasin also increases your natural test production regardless of anything else you do.

It works for me. If or probably when I do heavier cycles or longer cycles I'll up the dose or length of pct or maybe try hcg. But at the moment I don't feel I need to.

Last edited by stillgoingstron; 12-18-2015 at 10:08 AM.
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