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Old 12-10-2015, 04:15 PM
Jagger_8888 Jagger_8888 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 33
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Week 4 Thursday:
Mid of week 4 and things are turning. I am noticing great sense of well being, mood stability and super high libido. Once again here are my weekly dosages.
Proviron: 50mg/ED
Sustanon: 750mg
Boldenone: 750mg
Test P: 300mg
Seems like Prop and Sust are doing its job very nicely. Considerable strength gains and stamina. Will drop test P end of week 4 as it was meant to kick start which has been accomplished. I love the feelings of better mood and lifestyle. Being more confident in and out of gym. 15% increase in lifts. Had a minor issue while squatting went my all time best on squats but then decided to give my legs break for a week. Diet is perfectly spot on. Eating 4-5 times a day consuming as much calories as I can. Last week had a buffet with my GF. Had 10 egg whites, 1 and half pizzas, drinks, 2 bowls of salad, 8-10 chicken wings and plenty of dessert. Love these cheat days : )
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