12-09-2015, 07:28 PM
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 1,860
Very good point CC, it is time to create a new site where sources can answer to reviews/feedbacks without having to pay.
Originally Posted by Cornish_Celt
I have trouble understanding why a source has to pay to be able to recieve feedback.
On eroids if you are a source and you don't pay a monthly amount then you don't recieve any feedback! The idea of a feedback forum is for everybody to be able to leave good and bad feedback for something and for a source to be able to respond if the need arises, however on eroids and other review sites the source cannot respond or leave comments unless they pay a certain amount each month(the amount varies depending on where you are in the list) for example top 10 sources have to pay anywhere from $300 to $1000 per month, to me it seems that it doesn't matter if you're a good souce or not, as long as you pay the money you get in the top 10.
This is not a good way of finding out if gear is legit or if a source is legit, a review site should be free.
It also means if you don't pay to be a source that anyone can say bad shit about you and there is nothing you can do, Thia is complete shit and we have lost a lot of good sources because of it.
So basically a crap source can right shit about a good source and unless the good source pays, he can do nothing to defend himself, utter bollocks!
eroids and the like are just an easy way of making money out of gear but without any risk.
They are basically blackmailing the source and it stinks.
eroids and the rest should be shut down and free reputable source review sites should be opened.
If a legit source has to pay to get reviews then I would suggest that they ain't that legit.(Thats the problem here, he may well be a legit source but once he pays to eroids or whoever then starts to make people think, are these people good or not?)
Sources pay to sponsor forums they should not be paying to be on a review site.
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