11-11-2015, 11:16 AM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: London UK
Posts: 1,333
Originally Posted by hangin
I'm a bit nervous as I'm much older now but by the end of this bulk I'll reach close to 260 I always stay right around 7 to 8%bf while bulking so that will help. All my past shows I placed 2nd until I learned how to time things right then won my last 2. I'm just sure how to choose a show these days. Any ideas would be great. I did my last show at 26 I'm now about to be 38 but I think I'm developed enough to run with the younger guys. Advice ideas are greatly appreciated as always
Hat off to you. Good luck. 38 is not old. And with the knowledge you've built up over the years I'm sure you'll be just as prepared for what you need to do!