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Old 11-07-2015, 06:19 AM
Armstrong Armstrong is offline
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3bHSD is present all over the body (as is 5a-R, for the most part), but is found in especially high concentrations in the scalp and prostate, and it’s even possible that its actions on DHT will exacerbate male pattern baldness in the former tissue. Also, it’s worth noting that DHT is the androgen responsible for development of external genitalia. This is most likely the reason that women experience a temporary clitoral hypertrophy when they use the often recommended steroids (Primobolan, Anavar, Winstrol, etc…) in excessive doses. In an interesting aside, I find it really interesting that the most typical steroids recommended are the most likely to cause clitoral enlargement and other possible androgenic effects. But on the bright side, in my experience with female athletes, that first effect is most welcome…actually, topical DHT can even be used to treat Microphalia (extremely tiny genitalia) in males (5). This last fact, if you’ve ever wondered, is the type of information discussed behind closed doors by of owners and staff of “private/invite-only” anabolic steroid boards and forums… for obvious reasons…

Ok, so now you know what DHT is, where it comes from, what it can do, and why it’s not a particularly potent anabolic when used alone. Here’s what Masteron is, relative to its parent compound, DHT. Masteron is an injectable steroid that is simply the DHT molecule which has been altered to be 2alpha-Methyl-DHT…you can see this modification by comparing the DHT molecule above with the following Masteron one, and paying special attention to the left hand side again, and the “H3C” modification:


(Masteron, aka Drostanolone Propionate)

This 2-alpha-methyl alteration makes it much more potent anabolic, although it’s still only about 60% as anabolic as testosterone and a quarter as androgenic. I’m going to speculate that these ratings make it not the most potent anabolic in the world, but its anti estrogenic effects plus its ability to increase aggression make it a very nice pre-contest addition. This is also where we get the absurd rumor that Masteron won’t do anything for you unless you’re already at a very low body-fat percentage. This is not true at all. No matter what body-fat percentage you’re at going to get a nice anti-estrogenic effect from Masteron, as well as some nice aggression and strength in the gym – the former and latter are both known as “non-genomic” effects, and are a result of the strong Central Nervous System stimulatory effects of Masteron, which is very common with DHT derived steroids. Basically, if you’re fat, and you take something that increases aggression and has anti-estrogenic effects (Halotestin and Arimidex, lets say), you wouldn’t expect to get huge and ripped. It’s the same thing with Masteron. Now, what if you add in Arimidex and Halotestin to a pre-contest cycle, you’ll get harder and look better. That’s exactly what’ll happen if you add Masteron into a Pre-contest cycle. It’s not that you have to be at some random body-fat percentage to get results from it, but you’ll need to be at that lower body-fat percentage to “see” those results. Again, if you’re fat and take Halo and Arimidex, you aren’t going to look much better…think of Masteron in similar terms, but it won’t work as well for aggression as Halotestin, and won’t be as good for combating estrogen as Arimidex. Gauged against either one of them alone, Masteron will likely make you look much harder and lift more weight. But if you are looking to do a low dosage cycle with a minimal amount of compounds in it, a simple Testosterone (propionate) and Masteron cycle may be exactly what you are looking for. On a personal note, that is a cycle that I use very frequently, at about 100mgs of each, shot every other day.

But has Masteron actually lived up to my claims for being an anti-estrogen? Yes. From 1968 to 1972, a decent sized study was conducted on Masteron, in a group of premenopausal women with breast cancer. About a third responded well to Masteron (6). This is because of its anti-estrogenic effects, clearly- though it doesn’t perform as well as Arimidex, Letrozole, or Aromasin. If you’re not running huge amounts of aromatizable steroids, this is a very good choice to add into your cycle. If you’re doing large amounts of those compounds, then you need to use a traditional anti-estrogen as your ancillary compound of choice. But if you’re running well under a gram of aromatizable steroids, Masteron will likely be all the anti-estrogen you need. This number comes from my person experience, as well as others I’ve interviewed.

Now, as a bit of an addendum, I’d like to address the use of Masteron in women. Lets get this straight: Masteron was developed for women. Okay? Got me? If you’ve been paying attention up to this point, you already know that Masteron is intended for females and is derived from the same root (DHT) as most other steroids commonly used and recommended for female athletes (Primobolan, Anavar, Winstrol, etc…are all derived from DHT). And, another shocking fact is that Masteron has a lower androgenic rating than almost every other commonly recommended steroid used by female athletes. Anavar has a rating of 24 compared to oral testosterone and Masteron has a rating of 25 compared to testosterone, expressed as a percent (so yes that means 24% and 25% respectively).

Basically, Masteron works as a hormonal therapy for breast cancer and has been shown to be a useful and safe agent for females of all age groups, even though it may appear to be less effective then other possible therapies in postmenopausal patients (6). It is, therefore, very safe for women. Masteron is certainly no less safe than Anavar or Primobolan for women, as long as it’s used with something resembling a degree of respect and intelligence.

My recommendations for female use of this compound would be to start between 10-25mgs every third day, and increase dosages from there if no side effects are experienced. At those dosages, I suspect no side effects would be experienced, and I’d be comfortable saying none will be experienced up through 20mgs, injected every other day.

So there you have it. A totally new way to look at an old friend- Masteron- it’s useful as an anti-estrogen as well as an anabolic, and can certainly be safely used by both Men as well as women.
People say to me its possible to be too big.....but for me I dont want a physique thats average something thats reachable, I want something thats unobtainable that looks like its so hard to get, yes women hate it, BUT I FUCKIN LOVE IT....SO FUCK IT!! why do I want this??? CAUSE NORMAL FUCKIN SUCKS!!!
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