Don’t like clomid personally. Affects my already knackered vision too much. But if it works for you then why not?
Yours is a very mild cycle so I can’t see that you’d need hcg, nor that you need to go too overboard with nolva or clomid.
It’s all about stopping an excess of estrogen from causing problems and restarting your own testosterone. I use aromasin first as it kills estrogen (as opposed to just preventing it doing damage) and increases your own testosterone production, followed by nolva. I might then add in a bit of aromasin again and taper it down in case the estrogen the nolva has locked out is still there in sufficient quantities to have bad effects when you finish your nolva course.
You’ll probably get away with 3 weeks of nolva ED tapering down at the end. Only you will know. If you can afford to get blood tests done then that will show you what's happening.
One last thing worth noting is that nolva and clomid are supposedly beneficial to your blood lipid profiles.
I would read as much as possible about PCT and make your own mind up. As long as you keep estrogen under control and increase or restart your own testosterone production then your PCT will have done it’s job. As I said earlier, there are so many differing opinions on PCT that it’s hard to decide who's opinion to go with.
Also, if you subsequently do heavier cycles you will have a better knowledge and you might want to consider using hcg, although there are differing opinions on how that is used.
Good luck.