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Old 10-22-2015, 05:18 AM
Armstrong Armstrong is offline
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Originally Posted by Maximize View Post
Good evening everyone,
I am new to the forum and looking for some feedback. I've been working out consistently for about 11 years now, mostly all-natural but with a couple pro-hormones a few years back when Primordial Performance was around. Anyway, I've had a back injury now for quite some time (over a year, but the last six months have been extremely difficult for me to lift much at all), and it has gotten to the point where it is severely limiting the amount of exercise I can do, and has negatively affected my health and happiness. Long story short I have seen three different primary care providers, two chiropractors, two physical therapists, and a massage therapist, taken far too much time off from the gym, and even quit my manual labor job in favor of a desk job... all in hopes to heal my injury so I can start lifting hard again and feeling better about myself. I've been given multiple diagnosis' such as "lower lumbar strain, muscle spasm" but nothing solid, and it hasn't gotten any better. I've heard a good deal about Equipoise increasing blood flow, red blood cell count, and nitrogen retention. So I'm planning to run a 14 week cycle of Equipoise and Test E to help speed the healing any injured soft tissues that may be the cause of my pain. I'll be supporting the cycle with Proviron, HCG, Nolva, and Clomid. Has anyone had success healing injuries using a cycle similar to this? I read Cornish_Celt's threads on Equipoise and Test E so I am planning to use (roughly) his recommended dosages with all the drugs:

Equipoise 500mg/wk
Test E 500mg/wk
Proviron 50mg/day
HCG 1,500-3,000iu every 5-6 days
Nolvadex 40mg/day for two weeks, then 20mg/day for two weeks
Clomid 50mg/day for two weeks, then 25mg/day for two weeks

I'd like to hear some feedback on this and corrections/recommendations for adjusting the cycle. I'm not looking to get massive, honestly I just want to heal my injuries and be able to enjoy the gym again. Thank you all in advance for your time.

Helloo bro and welcome to HM, during my accident they diagnosed me with "compartment syndrome in my lower lumbar", it was so bad that I was on so many drugs that they OD'd me 3 times in the hospital, almost had to go in surgery to relieve the pressure, there are only 5 cases reported and they told me I was the worst one and that I will never lift again, during the healing process I had to call the ambulance 3 times as it came back when I was doing light yard work, it took about 3 years for me to get back to my "normal" self, now I dont do squats or deads as Im paranoid, I didnt do any cycles during that time either IMO its not a good idea and not worth it, heal first bro, IMO it would put more strain on your lower back muscles if you get an extreme pump from the gear, if you choose to train still I would do it natural till you get your strength back up. again JMO bro
People say to me its possible to be too big.....but for me I dont want a physique thats average something thats reachable, I want something thats unobtainable that looks like its so hard to get, yes women hate it, BUT I FUCKIN LOVE IT....SO FUCK IT!! why do I want this??? CAUSE NORMAL FUCKIN SUCKS!!!
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