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Old 08-23-2015, 07:29 AM
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Originally Posted by rjschipper View Post
I want to start my cycle today, just got my product. I have a six week supply of Anavar at 80 mg. a day, I have two vials Test e and need to know if there is a best time to take my 2ml once a week and when and at what dose do I start the Clomixyl and for how long. While I'm on the Clomixyl should I still be doing the test e once a week.

I am really grateful for your time and advice.
Best to you all,
You maybe should have planned that out well ahead of time, but trust me when I say I get it.

So, Is this your first cycle? No judge, I'm on my first.

Why are you using Clomixyl during cycle? I'm wondering if you know why, because I hear it can have horrible side effects and it's better used with Nova for PCT. or just Nova. An A.I. If need be.

The reason I am asking why is because if your doing it for Gyno or to control the Estrogen, there are likely better options. From what I understand, Clomid isn't that great for stopping Gyno or other estrogen related problems. It's better used as a PCT.

However, this is my first cycle and I'm basing this off of what I've been told or read.

CC & Stillgoingstrong have been very helpful with me, you will be wise to take any advice they give you. Trust me, they know their stuff.

Oh, and I take my test e/500mg split into twice a week.

"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.

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