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Old 08-20-2015, 07:43 AM
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Good, I am not used to putting on weight that fast.

All my carbs come from rice, vegetables, black beans, or wheat.

I eat shredded wheat for breakfast, but they are whole grain wheat, and have almost a 5/1 carb to fiber ratio. I get 80 carbs from this source.

My sugar is real low, so much I don't pay attention to it. I think the most I get is from milk. Oh, and whatever is in the protein shake, sweetener or whatever.

The only bad source of carbs could come from my protein shakes. I'm using Op. nutrition.

I got a deal on the protein, but it came with a free Casein, do you use casein.

I do have a shake sometimes at night to fill that last gap, and if Casein really does digest slower, maybe I should use it.

What do you think? Any experience with it.

I tried it once a year ago maybe, and it was thick, but was like hot chocolate.

Oh yea, I drink all my protein shakes warm,

"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.

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