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Old 08-10-2015, 10:04 PM
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Originally Posted by tj805 View Post
Honestly, my goal was to stay below 200, but hey. I guess if my body fat keeps decreasing, I am not gonna complain about the mass increase. I am more here for the fitness and advice aspect I have no intentiom in competing in bodybuilding. I know it is a bodybuilding forum, which I do have an interest in it, but I am not much of a bodybuilder. I used to compete in no gi freestyle grappling when I was younger. I am 26 now. I had some lower back issues and and an issue with my right knee that I incurred over time, unrelated. Between that and some other outside influences it really put my fitness on pause. Slowly getting back in the game, and although I feel I am older then I want to be to participate... I plan to get back into Gracie BJJ real soon. Just making sure I am back up to par, so I don't re-injur myself. I am going for the more define cut look. Trying to increase both my stamina (although I hate cardio) and my strength. I guess if I had a game plan, that would be it.
There is nothing wrong with those goals. And bodybuilding is a big tent. I mean I see it as a sport, and a life style. I'm into the lifestyle myself, but as of now, I just follow the sport. Maybe someday that goal will change.

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