08-08-2015, 08:21 AM
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: God's Green Earth
Posts: 476
Dude, don't mean to poke my nose where it shouldn't be, but r u trying to get banned?
Originally Posted by new-Jedi
Follow others diets? Overthinking it? Man, others have claimed I do not think about it enough. Not sure where I ever said I follow anyones diet. I eat the same meal four to five times a day. The discussion was on fat wasn’t it?
To be honest, I could care little for anyone getting at me. I can’t and won’t ever spend a second of my life carrying what negative people have to say. Dude has been entirely unreasonable to anyone asking questions. Has never offered anyone a kind word, and has always taken issue with me, we had a falling out over his hurt feelings. Half the people on forums say read more information, some dont like questions being asked, others do not like it when you offer up products you are using, some dont like PCT, others say it silly to not worry about it.
Sure, there is vast amounts of information on the internet. I ask to gauge what others are thinking, nothing more or nothing less. I then choose which ones I will put stock in and which ones I will decide are erroneous and a waste of time. And I live with the consequences. I am not sure why anyone cares.
I am again not trying to be coy, thanks for your advice, but I did nothing wrong by asking any question I’v ever asked. You and anyone else has the power to just ignore threads.
"Don't be upset by the results you didn't get with the work you didn't do."