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Old 08-06-2015, 04:03 PM
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That was 42 oz of veggies a week, and that's not a lot. You have to have a balance on your food, veggies carry with them some important vitamins and minerals for general wellness. I take it your not much into kinesiology. That is too bad, it could save you for some horrible diseases down the road.

If your getting protein only from steak, eggs, etc, that's a whole lot of food.

You don't like P28, that bread has whey protein in it. It's not health food, it's high protein food. Take the P28 spread, bam, 48-75 grams of protein, one sand which. It's more about getting a high protein diet without shoving tons of shakes or red meat down my throat.

For those who can't eat tons of food, it's much better than mass gainers, which are loaded with empty carbs.

And back to the eggs, not all eggs have those characteristics. Egg beater egg whites have no cholesterol, etc, but try buying 2 gallons of them and see what the cost per protein ratio is. These are sold at because bodybuilders have been known to eat quite a few egg whites.

Steak is one of my favorite foods, but eating red meat all the time, too much sat fat. Chicken, or egg whites, they are the mainstay of any good fitness diet. Eggs have some good fats, but they carry some bad ones too. And frabkly, I don't want to eat 12 eggs a day. I'll drink them, and with Egg Whites, I just pump them into anything I'm drinking.

As for grass fed, yea, it can be be a scam, but you'll know when you're eating some grass fed beef, it's delicious.

If living without the many dietary induced diseases for my life means I eat like a women, then so be it. They live longer anyways. The added benefit is some cheap, but impactful protein source. Without having to purchase 12 dozen eggs a week.

"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.

Jedi in Training

Last edited by new-Jedi; 08-06-2015 at 04:08 PM.
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