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Old 08-06-2015, 07:44 AM
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Originally Posted by tj805 View Post
hahaha! Dude, don't take this personal. Just busting ur balls like I do all my boys, but why do I feel like u eat like a vag? hahaha!
I can't be sure if I'm offended, because I'm not sure what you mean. I eat the typical fitness food, no straying too far from the norm. Lean meats, chicken, staying away from processed foods whenever possible. If most bodybuilders eat like "a vag," then sure, I do. I eat fruits and veggies, 42 oz of veggies per week to be exact. I eat food that is good for health.

I guess you mean eating farm raised chicken, grass fed beef, organic. Yes, and for very good reason. Not only does it taste a million times better, all the things we want for general wellness, these foods don't destroy them. They are not pumped with hormones, etc.

So, You don't eat egg whites? These particular egg whites are a bodybuilder's dream protein. . Here is why: (and I am not a rep for them, just know they provide a solid product.)

They are Lactose free, Gluten Free, Fat Free, Cholesterol Free, Non GMO? All natural fed chickens. They are 100 percent egg white.

The egg whites contain complete protein, with entire essential Amino acid profile, something that whey doesn't do well enough. They are 100 percent Bio-Available, and support muscle for up to 4 to 5 hours.

One serving provides a 30 percent boost of protein per shake.

For those trying to get large amount of protein, but do it with driving up other micros like fat. Or are on cycle and need to keep sodium and cholesterol levels down, it's a abosolute great product.

Some may not care about the type of foods they eat, but I've read enough about the U.S. Food safety process to know it matters. Organic foods are better.

But the true point is, whey is a decent protein, but there are better options. These egg whites make that option way more versatile.

"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.

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Last edited by new-Jedi; 08-06-2015 at 07:48 AM.
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