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Old 07-23-2015, 01:52 AM
pullstrong pullstrong is offline
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Originally Posted by tj805 View Post
No doubt the dude has talent. I will give him that for sure. Don't get me started on Vol. 3 though. I think he dated a stripper or something and got super heartbroken when she cheated on him during the making of that album or something... cuz u can definitely tell he was bitching about a break up through that whole album. It was so soft. lol! Stone Sour, I kinda like their self titled album, not much after that. It wasn't bad. Just not the Corey I would want to pay to listen to. Metal shows these days suck though. I forgot who I saw, but I literally walked out of the show because they had As I Lie Dying open up for them. Skipped half the main stage at Ozzfest my second time for the same kind of reasons Screamo is considered Metal these days I guess. My last concert was Rob Zombie though.
That was freaking awesome!
The new bands now a days sound the same to me, so I dont go to any concerts anymore unless Its a band that I really want to see. I do want to see Rob Zombie, Scar the Martyr and probably go to a stone sour concert just to listen to good tunes.
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