Thread: Kalpa cycle log
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Old 07-20-2015, 10:12 PM
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Well, if there was ever an honest answer, this was it. Seriously, though if it works for you then I can’t see no reason to not do it. When I first started lifting, I used to fear fat. I realized after both research and trial and error that fats are not that bad if done right. Although like with most things, many disagree with the exact amount they should need. I probably spend too much time trying to get my macros to fit into a neat box, although I do try to keep it consistent.

What kind of dog you have? I love dogs, they are so loyal.

Originally Posted by andyebs View Post
yes it is quite high but i love fat mmm and there are reasons really i put that as ive have tried lower and i keep going over so really its just so i dont kid myself really
my mother in law has farm witch does beef pork and lamb so i get these very cheap but they are also higher in fat than say chicken so during bulk i tend to eat lot of beef and lamb
peanut butter my weekness i eat loads and loads of this and its about 50g of fat per 100g
also i do tend to eat whole eggs and say maybe 8-10 a day thats around 100g of fat
so i agree it is quite high but no use setting it lower as i know i will go over
and i think standard is 25-35% of cals witch would put it at around 140g-160g

also my dog forces me to do daily cardio so helps keep cals up

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