Originally Posted by dfwtp
is this your first cycle?
. doesnt sound like you are ready for this at this moment
being scared, saying what you are saying, you need to do more research
I'm doing research, and why shouldn't I be scared. The research is what had gotten me to asking more questions. There really isn't much more I can learn about this process without doing it myself. However, I like getting others experiences. There is thousands of different people saying different things.
Although I said I was worried, not scared. But sure, we should be fearful. Even people who are experts don't know for sure,
because of the lack of studies. It's not a highly studied thing, because of the legality, cost, and the ethics,
But almost everyone seems to agree there is a cost to be paid for this. Just how big seems to differ from person to person.
I don't think we should ever not be worried about these things, and I'd like to hear more about what others experienced. So I ask a lot of questions.
Everyone seems to have different experiences. I've read, quite literally for a week straight, as much as I can about what the average research source says. That's not what I'm searching for now, I'd like to hear how it has played out in practice.