For most part, I live clean. Once in a blue moon I'll eat out or have a pizza, but mostly really clean. I take fish oil, but don't eat fish. I hate fish. I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. Havnt in years, except a few times when recently in Amsterdam, I smoked a few hits of weed, but it was Amsterdam.
I made the same argument to my girlfriend, who is unbelievably supportive about decisions I make. I said although there could be some health risk, there are some to holding fat around my belly, or to not get in good shape. I'm like you, I plan on this in moderation. Once I reach my goals, I'll problem dial it down some. We'll see.
The good thing is, I get tons of blood work done. CBC with Diff, TSH, T3, T4, and testosterone will I ask. I'll check my blood pressure often.
What would tip me off my cholesterol is getting high in the bad kind? Or would I have to request my doc run that test.
"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.
Jedi in Training