Mind Muscle Connection
So I've been reading up on how to target muscle more affectively. I came across the term mind muscle connection a while back, and I realized that that was oftentimes difficult for me. Considering I'm about to do my first cycle in a few weeks, I'd like to to get max growth in lagging areas. My biceps tend to lag behind, and I often have trouble hitting my lats and back as hard as I would like. I've gotten better at hitting lats of late, but I feel like the back should be more defined.
So the mind muscle connection, have others here mastered it? I have been learning to flex muscles all over on command to help with knowing I'm hitting certain muscles.
My chest has always been the hardest for me to hit. Oftentimes I used to feel as if my shoulders took the brunt of the chest workout. That has gotten better, but Id like to hear other's experience how they got about making sure the right muscles are getting full stimulation.
"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.
Jedi in Training