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Old 07-15-2015, 08:06 PM
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I love the metaphors. Damn, if tren hurts sleep, doesn't that hurt recovery & growth. I would like to run a powerful cut package some day, but I'm going to take it slow. Have test run after my cycle to make sure it's ok.

Do you happen to know what blood test my doc would run that would tip him off to my anabolic use?

Originally Posted by stillgoingstron View Post

Do take it slow. There's no rush. You will be very pleased with the test and there's actually no reason why you can't just stick with test and manipulate your calorie intake to bulk or cut. It does both.

However, human nature being what it is you will almost certainly do a tren cycle. It's like a ladder. You need to get past the test sides at the bottom of the ladder before you can climb onto the tren sides at the top of the ladder. You could jump straight onto the tren but if you fall it'll hurt more.

That said, once you have estrogen control sorted you can give tren a go. The sides that get me most are a lack of sleep or trensomnia. I just don't sleep on tren. I wouldn't say my aggression rockets but I do feel less accommodating and tend to snap a bit more on tren.

Don't personally get the night sweats but obviously people do and that I imagine would be a pain in the 'arris!

And there's the gyno worries caused by excessive prolacactin. Keeping estrogen low full stop helps but you might need to take some caber or prami.

There are different ways to run tren, but I prefer a low test and higher tren approach. Makes sense to keep the aromatising steroid low.

With cutaxyl you are stuck with the ratio of test to tren. Not saying that's a bad thing.

The two good sides of tren are a massive increase in strength and the fat loss benefits. Some say tren doesn't help you cut but it does for me.


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