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Old 07-14-2015, 10:04 PM
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Originally Posted by stillgoingstron View Post

Join the club mate. That's probably the number one reason why so few people are huge and ripped.

A good thing with AAS is that a lot more of the food you eat turns to muscle and not fat. I don't mean pizzas here.

Man, I love pizza. lOL. Actually, my diet consist of this. Shredded wheat for my carbs. I do a 1 gram of fiber to every 5 grams of carbs ratio.

My three main meals are:
Tostada: Corn Tostada cooked in olive oil(sometimes coconut) lean beef, black beans, black olives, lettuce, black bean pick sauce, low fat skim milk mozzarella cheese.

Rice meal: brown Rice, Black beans, Lean beef or chicken, broccoli, carrots, olive oil, low fat skim milk mozerella cheese.

Steak, steak, steak.

Some hamburgers.

Wheat pasta with low fat sauce. Lean beef added.

Fat free cottage cheese.


P28 High protein Spreads.

Whey protein.
Fish oil.

What are your guys view on cheat meals. I don't really have them, but I often wonder if I should.

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