07-14-2015, 07:27 PM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: London UK
Posts: 1,333
Originally Posted by new-Jedi
I've never cycled before. Will start as soon as I receive order, or the Week following. I've hit a sticking point with my lifts though, like all strength increases are really slow, and I had shoulder impingement for three weeks, which I lost some strength. I'm gaining that back pretty easily, but I got to a point where it seemed I couldn't get past a sticking point no matter how many rest pause, drops, super sets, etc I did. Part of the problem I think is I started using some of those, so when I needed them, they were not working. I bet I get through them when I start this test E, or at least see increases again.
As I've got older I've realised the benefits of adequate rest. I can't turn back the clock to see if I would have benefitted from more rest when I was younger but if rest pause, drop sets and supersets aren't working then maybe you are over training. I say this to people time and time again, life is a marathon not a sprint. Got to be worth considering at least
Last edited by stillgoingstron; 07-14-2015 at 07:29 PM.