Vacation over
So I start back hard Monday ( tomorrow)
Gained about 6 lbs while on vacation. Had boat loads of fun though. So now to get back in shape for next year. Im 59 this October so I have a little over a year to get in shape for my first contest Ill be starting in the master's class of course ( old guys) but it will be an experience of a lifetime.
I found I was in better shape than just about all the other guys at the beach which surprised me. Many are office weenies that clearly never get out in the sun. They were white as snow the first day they got there and looked like a lobster a couple days later. Then there were the old guys like me age wise but way way out of shape.
Funny thing about these vacations and we go every year to the same place. Seems Im there only a day and I start getting job offers to go back to Iraq. Got three this time while on vacation. Happens every time im on vacation and between contracts. Havent decided on this one yet, Baghdad as a PSD designated marksman and canine handler.