tue 16/06/2015
wide crip pull down 3 x10
close crip cable row 3 x10
dealifts 3 x10
barbell row 3x 10
inverted row 3 x failure
supps ---no supps last protien shake at breakfast and run out no pay till weds next week tuna will have to replace morning shake but hey prob better anway and going to skip it after workout see how goes
gear ---
tri tren 450mg EW
tri test 400mg EW
todays food
meal 1 -- protien shake and peach
meal 2 --- 4 eggs scrambled and banana
meal 3--- salmon salad
meal 4 -- greek yogart and cut up kiwi fruit the stuff been useing late is greek style and this is now the true greek more protein and better
meal 5 -- tuna salad i know salad all time i did say to misses low carb and she sticking to it
meal 6 -- scrambled eggs
snack- corner type normal yougart and spoon of peanut butter just got munches in evening dam weed my advice dont smoke weed when trying to cut still quite clean though what i really wanted was another slice of the cake