thrs 28/05/2015
dumbell over head 3x12
dumbell curl 3x12
rope push down 3x12
preacher curl 3x12
cable kickback3x12
twenty ones on ez straight into standing skull crusher 3sets
supps ---still on just protien shakes
gear ---
Tbol 70mg ed
tri tren 450mg EW
tri test 400mg EW
todays food
meal 1 -- protien shake and orange bloody run out of peaches
meal 2 --- 4 eggs scrambled and bannana
meal 3--- chicken and rice
meal 4 -- fruit yougart
meal 5 -- chicken and salad
meal 6 -- ill put last nights hear instead of updateing it eggs and beans
15mins cross trainer
5mins rowing machine
i know i said only twice week to start but had some spare time while inm at work