tues 19/05/2015
back day
wide grip pull down 3 sets of 10
close grip pull down 3 sets of 10
barbell row overhand wide grip 3 sets of 10
dumbell row 3 sets of 10
deadlift yep 3 sets of 10
cable row 3 sets of 10
wasnt heavy but sure got the pump felt like good workout
supps ---still on just protien shakes
gear --- none and finding hard to wait 11 days starting point but did have few weeks tbol at home was thinking fuck it start with this as warm up for cycle anbodys thoughts ???? or should i wait like told myself
also have dbol and oral tren i buy these orals and end up not taken them
food backdated from yesterday
meal 5 --spag bol
meal 6 -- omlete mushrooms and spinage
little snack of peanut butter on toast dam weed giving me munchies
back to todays food
meal 1 -- protien shake and hadfull of strawberrys and raspberrys
meal 2 --- 4 eggs scrambled and bannana
workout at 12 with shake after
meal 3--- spag bol --you will see pattern what ever is last nights dinner is next days lunch
meal 4 -- peanut butter on toast and a peach defo getting my fruits in plan to keep fruits in long as can
meal 5 & 6 will update on next log
still no cardio bar dog walk in evening i keep saying i will start but feel losing fat steady so dont want to go all in end up at platue and having no other options