Thread: My first cycle
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Old 04-28-2015, 06:50 PM
stillgoingstron stillgoingstron is offline
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Looks OK for a first cycle. That's not really a lot of test and by the time you take in account the wastage every time you pin and impossibility of trying to squeeze that last drop out of each vial it's more likely to be 450mg EW.

I honestly think adding in HCG post cycle is complicating things. It's highly unlikely you will suffer much, if any testicuar atrophy with this cycle. If you do it might be better to use the HCG during your cycle to stop this happening or to restore function.

I use aromasin in my post cycle along with nolva, but if you don't get the blurred vision and the mood swings from the clomid you could just use that and if you do use the nolva instead.

Enjoy the cycle and keep your diet strict and you might gain and keep most of those 10lbs - for a while anyway

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