Thread: My first cycle
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Old 04-28-2015, 05:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Armstrong View Post
I would run somthin softer then adex unless you really need it in there, also split your injects to 250mg 2x week it will keep your levels more even throughout the week, for your PCT I would use HCG and start it 10 days after your last inject of test, as for the adex in PCT again only use it if your really need it, if your concerned about holding water then I would use nolva and tighten up your diet, have the adex on hand just incase you run into gyno problems, letro would be a good choice to have on hand as well it will really hit the gyno hard if you have it.
One shot per week is fine.

The body does not maintain stable blood levels, there is no way of keeping blood levels stable as the minute you inject the levels will start to decrease then when you inject again they will jump up so I cannot see how that is stable?

"Stable blood levels" is an internet myth that many pass on just because they heard it some where else....

Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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