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Old 04-08-2015, 07:37 AM
stillgoingstron stillgoingstron is offline
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If it was me l'd run the cycle like this . . .
1-5: 200mg test EW
1-4: 500mg tren EW
6-8: 500mg test EW

The reasons are that you will get great results from 4 weeks of tren and by doing just 4 weeks the sides shouldn't be too bad. Note that with the enanthate ester it will actually be more like 6 weeks, should the sides get bad!

I would also run the test lower than the tren to keep estrogen levels as low as possible to prevent prolactin issues. I would make sure l had caber on hand, just in case. That's why I would not up the test until a week after I'd stopped using the tren. You can then up the test for the last three weeks.

You need to be aware of the tren sides. I get trensomnia and a bit abrupt, if not outright pissed off at people. That's why I keep my tren acetate down to 4 week runs. And I get excellent results. That's maybe just my trade off, but for me it makes it acceptable.

I would also have used a shorter ester for a shorter cycle but that's what you've got . . . That's what you need to do.

Start your pct 2 or 3 weeks after the last test pin, depending who's version of proper pct you choose to follow. I personally taper down my test for a few weeks and then wait 2 weeks, but I run aromasin throughout anyway.

Can't help with the masteron. Don't use it, don't see what it adds, but hopefully someone can help.

Don't know how much var you have but maybe run it at the very end of the cycle and maybe a week after last test pin.

Last edited by stillgoingstron; 04-08-2015 at 10:40 AM.
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