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Old 02-28-2015, 08:03 PM
Ole Ole is offline
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Default A good second stack, questions

Hey HM,

Well it is a new year and I am ready to transform. I recently finished a chapter in my life and am looking to transform myself from a average physique to something I can be really proud of. My first 10 week stack went well, did susta 100mg/week for 10 weeks. Now I am looking to do something in the range of 12-16 weeks. I am currently 215 lbs at about 20% body fat. I would like to be around 10-12% body fat and 220 lbs. Therefore I would like to lose 20 lbs of fat while putting on roughly 20 lbs of muscle. I am wondering what is my best option in terms of a cycle? I am loking for something that is on the cheaper, easier, and safer end. Something well tested with not too many side effects. Really looking to go all in on this and transform my body. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. I have been preparing for this in my routine and feel ready. Pretty tall order I know but just want feed back to see if it is possible and any suggestions to reaching my goal.

Any other advice on the frequency of lifting and how many calories I should be taking in would be great. I am wondering if I should bulk up first then cut, or if I can put on muscle mass while losing the fat?

all the best, Ole
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