I wouldn't mind betting that as you're doing a log that subconsciously you're doing more than you realise.
If I were you I'd either take a week off or if you really can't face doing that drastically reduce your weights and sets for a week. You'll come back raring to go both mentally and physically and it wont halt your progress. It'll almost certainly kick start it.
Purely by coincidence I've just read a quote by Jay Cutler who said 'a week off training, followed by a few weeks of less than full effort training should enable your body to make better progress over the long term.'
I suppose it really depends how far into your training cycle you are as to how much rest you need but I think its fair to say the balls to the wall training can only work for so long.
I definitely found over the years that the occasional short break worked for me. That was as a natural but I still think the same principle applies.
One sign of overtraining is a lack of interest btw
Last edited by stillgoingstron; 01-29-2015 at 11:40 AM.