tues back
chins 4 sets to fail witch was 10,10,8,5 ish didnt really count
machine row 10,10,8,8
deads 12,10,6,no lift just didnt have it in me my mind needs to overcome cos this was wight lifted last week and lifted heavier before but may also be due to knee may do it from rack next week
cable row 12,10,8,8 attachment is wideish with side grip im sure people know what is i just dont know name
weds delts & traps
dumbell press 12,12,6,6
side raise 10,10,8,8
rear rasie 10,10,10,10
front raise plate 10,10,10
smith upper rows 10,10,10
shrugs 12,10,8,8,4
thats upto day now
no strengh gains at moment really feel have cold but not bed ridden ill just lacking in normal me cant put it down to anything