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Old 01-20-2015, 05:04 PM
stillgoingstron stillgoingstron is offline
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Hi mate. We're fairly similar in age. Main difference is that I never stopped training.

At the age if 52 I joined the steroids club and haven't had a single doubt about having done so. I probably bore some of the younger members with my cautious approach. So having the said that my first cycle was a 16 week at 500mg Test E and a few weeks of anavar thrown in at the end. By the time I used the anavar I knew I was having no sides worth worrying about.

I'd definitely recommend a cycle of Test E. I wasn't aiming for the Olympia and would have been happy just to gain a tiny bit and not feel knackered all the time. But the cycle surpassed all that. I lost quite a bit of fat while gaining quite a bit of muscle and energy levels are much better.

I seem to recover reasonably easily between cycles so being elderly doesn't seem to be a hindrance. To be honest I can't really think of a reason not to go for it. Just don't do stupid amounts and you'd probably see very little worsening in your already good blood stats. Mine are also good. Whether we're naturally lucky or we eat and live properly we've both got a valuable head start health wise.

Hope this helps and if you have any more questions just ask.

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