A brilliant thread that makes absolutely perfect sense. I don’t see how anyone could argue with the logic.
Personally, as I’ve got older I put a lot more emphasis on the 5 x 5 style of training with at least a day in between each workout. I can give it some stick without suffering joint or excessive muscular pain. I certainly feel less ‘physically fucked’ doing this style of training. yes, guys, age does drag you down a bit.
However, to alleviate boredom I do incorporate other forms of training, such as an occasional run of 10 x 10 and 4 x 8 etc.
I’m not a bodybuilder in the true sense of the word. Never have been. But I have enjoyed weight training for a very long time and with it the extra size the training has given me. I’ve also enjoyed the muscular endurance and the sheer sense of achievement that all forms of training give you, especially when you have a period of balls to the wall training. I’ve also done too many other physical activities to be able to body build.
That’s my personal take and why I've leaned towards volume training over the years. I’m in it for the sense of satisfaction as much as (if not slightly more than) the out and out growth.
One final reason (excuse if you like) is that for almost thirty years a lot of my training has been done in a work environment where at any second I might have to stop training and use every ounce of strength and endurance I’ve got. Pushing myself to failure just before that ‘second’ strikes isn’t a good idea.
I’ll say it again. It’s a fantastic thread and for the true bodybuilders on this forum well worth noting and using.
Last edited by stillgoingstron; 12-16-2014 at 10:27 AM.